Utilizing the game design factor questionnaire to develop engaging games for adaptive learning in the serious educational game: the Ma'had
This study explores the unique mandatory residence, Ma'had Sunan Ampel Al Alyi (MSAA), at the State Islamic University (UIN) Maulana Malik Ibrahim Malang, aiming to develop Quranic reading competence in new students. The varying educational backgrounds of admitted students lead to differences in their Quranic reading capabilities, highlighting the need for adaptive learning. In response to this diversity, adaptive learning using artificial intelligence is employed, implemented through the serious education game "The Ma'had." Survey results from expert individuals using a Game Design Factor Questionnaire reveal the game's substantial potential. The results show high agreement (100%) on clear goals, engaging gameplay, and a sense of freedom, with 67% strongly agreeing on improved understanding. Challenges are motivating, and the game successfully sparks curiosity. "The Ma’had" Game proves effective, but further research is recommended to explore variations in player engagement and compare results with expert test subjects, employing alternative quantitative testing methods for a comprehensive analysis.
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DOI: https://doi.org/10.31315/opsi.v17i1.11322
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